Clever Bean is the place to go for niche organic gardening items like worm composters, rain barrels and compost tumblers. In fact, they are one of the only eco-living superstores to pay affiliate commissions on rain catchment tanks and worm composters, both of which are difficult to find in brick ‘n mortar gardening stores. Commissions start at 10% and pay 2% on the second tier. Managed through Performance-Based.
Clever Bean carries some very unique and hard-to-find eco kids toy items like soy crayons, all natural markers, recycled puzzles and our absolute favorite: Recycled cardboard mini-playhouses by KidsonRoof from Holland. Earn 10% commissions on the first tier and 2% on the second tier through the Performance-based network.
Like their name says, Clever Bean’s specialty is getting through all the greenwash and providing truly green products that make for smart purchases for the eco-conscious shopper. The selection of products here is unique, some of our favorites being reusable muslin gift bags, Charlie’s all purpose soap and biodegradable laundry detergent (available in bulk purchases), KidsonRoof recycled cardboard playsets, and nifty niche items like telescoping bag dryers and bamboo compost pails. 10% commissions on tier 1 and 2% on tier 2.
Clever Bean carries Charlie’s Soap – an excellent line of non-toxic, biodegradable green cleaners. All-purpose cleaner and laundry detergent pay 10% commissions on sales (available in bulk purchases as well) tracked by 365-day cookies through Performance-Based. Bio-Clean’s Bac-Out odor and stain remover is another great niche cleaning item available here.