Global Healing Center

Global Healing Center Company Details

Global Healing Center is a thriving health and wellness store specializing in preventive, holistic health products, ranging from organic skin care and air purifiers to supplements and body cleanse kits. For the latter, GHC carries a comprehensive selection of detox products, including their best seller, Paratrex, as well as other niche cleansing items like the metal detoxifier, Zeotrex and the “Green Living” Cleanse starter kit. Commissions vary by product and are as high as 50%. With active affiliate managers and in-depth affiliate tools available, successful marketing campaigns are within reach at GHC.

This company’s philosophy is to offer people not only healthy living products, but the education that goes with using these products too. Helping you achieve a better understanding about your health and well-being, is the number one reason Global Healing Center was created. The Global Healing Center provides you with all the essential items needed for your home and your body in order to live a long, happy, healthy life.

This online company was started by Dr. Edward Group in 1998. He is currently Global Healing Center’s CEO. He has a great blog and videos set up for your viewing pleasure, better understanding, and education about creating and sustaining a healthy life.

In the 20 years or more since Dr. Group started teaching about a more natural way to stay healthy and maintain your personal well-being, he has created the company you see today – one of the world’s largest alternative, natural and organic health resources online today. This online resource is one of the most interactive and comprehensive hubs of natural health and healthy living you will find.

The number one selling product at Global Healing Center is Oxy-Power, one of the best colon cleanse products available on the market. It is THE ONLY all-natural colon cleanse product that is backed by actual clinical studies. It is niche items like this that have carved out huge growth in the marketplace. Cleansing promoted naturally by oxygen is the main concept of Oxy-Power. No harmful herbs here. You can use this colon cleanse product multiple times a week to promote a healthy digestive tract (not just your colon either) that promotes good probiotic growth. A full guarantee for the best colon cleanse makes your buying decision simple. You get a generous discount when you by multiple bottles too. Be sure to look at the Paratrex parasite cleanse product too.

Beyond the best colon cleanse products, you will also find colon health supplements like Latero-Flora, calcium promoting items like IntraCal, a phenomenal 100% organic liquid vitamin supplement IntraMax and even the massive antioxidant powerhouse MegaHydrate. Nutracool is a natural topical pain relieving ointment.

You can also purchase organic home products such as the popular Maggie’s Soap Nuts laundry detergent, and high quality air purifiers. Again, this is another great product selection with niche marketing at a great value.

Global Healing Center Affiliate Program Details

Global Healing Center has a generous affiliate program, and maintains a highly competitive edge by offering ground-breaking marketing and sales techniques. Affiliates can earn commission on over 20 top-quality, niche items ranging from colon care to organic living supplies. Product price range is $3.95 to almost $6000.00. There is a high rate of repeat shoppers which provides a great chance of continual income. A comprehensive commission chart is available via the affiliate sign-up page, and ranges from 5-50%. Commissions are tracked and paid out through the premiere network, Impact (GHC formerly ran an in-house program using Post Affiliate Pro).

When reviewing Global Healing Center’s affiliate program, we certainly liked the fact that not only does this company’s CEO have an active presence (including a blog), GHC also has a large following and actively participates on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. This company’s dedication to healthy “green living” earns a top recommendation by Green Affiliate Programs. Considering that this niche company provides several of the best organic cleanse products on the market, great success can be made from joining the Global Healing Center affiliate program.

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